What’s your typical approach to a teamwork? People can rely on me in the question of organizing their work I guess that my ability to think straight can help us to make the right decision I’m looking for the most modern solutions and ideas I am always ready to support a great idea for the benefit of the team Other people can be sure that I will bring something unique and original I am ready to demand people doing something in order to make sure we aren’t wasting time and still follow our goals My typical vigilance helps me to prevent failures and mistakes that occur due to lack of attentiveness I have an ability to influence their opinions without pressure When you are working on the project with other people:

My co-workers want me to be worried about details and the possible wrong choices and actions As a result, I can’t follow the discussion I have a tendency to get carried away with the ideas that come to my mind. I find it hard to be at the front line of leadership: perhaps, I am too sensitive to the atmosphere in a team

I might be seen as a rigid and authoritative person, especially if there’s something that should be done

My objectivity makes it difficult for me to easily join my co-workers with enthusiasm I have a tendency to be talkative when the group starts discussing new ideas I have a tendency to be loyal to the others, especially to those people who have reasonable opinion but never show off I won’t feel relaxed until our gathering is thoroughly prepared and successfully organized What are your weakness when working in a team? I can suggest a reasonable idea or alternative option without being biased Usually I have a clear feeling what can be realistic for the task and actually work I am ready to express unpopular opinion and be disliked for that, if it brings the necessary result in the end My ability to stick to the plan until the end is tightly related to my high efficiency at work My ability is to detect people who are like a breath of fresh air in the team I think that I can easily see new prospects and use them for team’s benefit